Meet Mike Smith
Growing up in estate life on the Scottish borders Mike's life has always involved guns and the shooting world, working alongside the gunsmiths at Jeffery's of Guildford until graduating with a degree in land management. A qualified teacher and game keeping lecturer with years of hands on experience Mike moved on to be the technical author of shotgun and rifle training courses. He was instrumental in the design of the National Occupational Standards for Shotgun Shooting. It was Mike's inspiration to develop training in shotgun loading that has lead to the development of training in single and double gun loading nationwide. There are few as experienced in so many aspects of the shooting world, as Mike Smith.

Mike Smith has been a shooting instructor for over 25 years, based at the Whithorn Estate for 20 of those. He is a master at gun fitting, specialising in those who have eye dominance issues.
Whatever your shooting needs Mike will provide you with the instruction to suit your needs. We are all different so the key is to discover what is best for you - contact us and find out more.